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Carlos G Valles S J

Carlos Gonzalez Valles was born in Spain, came early in his life to India where he was ordained a priest in the Society of Jesus, and Worked for many years as professor of mathematics in St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad.

Together with his professional teaching he entered the literary field in the Gujarati language, and published many books which won for him the Ranjitram Gold Medal, the highest literary award in the land.

He has also received the “Acharya Kakasaheb Kalelkar Award for Universal Harmony” [1995] and the “Ramkrishna Jaydalal Harmony Award” [1997] for his work towards mutual understanding among peoples of different languages, cultures and religions.

Retired now from his university chair he has turned to writing in English and Spanish, bringing to the spiritual and psychological fields his western roots and his eastern branches. He also gives courses on Oriental Spirituality in India and abroad.

Central Chinmaya Mission Trust

Central Chinmaya Mission Trust...

Chaitanya S Balsekar

Chaitanya S Balsekar isthe younger brother of the renowned Advaita sage, Ramesh Balsekar, Chaitanya was also a fellow disciple of the legendary Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, the master of Advaita. Chaitanya says, “I remember once telling Maharaj that I could not understand a lot of what he was teaching. He said I should not worry about it because when he talked he planted seeds of Understanding, and they take root in their own time.” Chaitanya has integrated both his guru Nisargadatta’s and his brother Ramesh’s teaching – a quality that is very present in his writings. He embodies Advaita in his daily life in the world.

Books from this author - Dream Of Consciousness



Charles Lambrou

Charles Lambrou currently lives in India, exploring the sacred inner realms and enjoying the many textures of life, love, and humanity. He has studied and been blessed with the presence and wisdom of masters around the world. Charles teaches, writes and leads retreats worldwide on The Three Steps as well as the art of mindful living.

‘Char les inspi res, del ights and awakens us.The Alchemist’s Way is thoughtful and provocative,deeply personal and practical . His depth ofmeditative insight and understanding illuminates the way to using the wisdom of our body and mindto experience inner peace and a life fi lled with love.It leaves us optimistic that true healing is reallypossible.’ Dr Leslie Pleass, M.D.

Books from this author - The Alchemist's Way: Health, Happiness And Wellbeing

Charlotte Common

Charlotte Common

Chhaya Tiwari

Professor Chhaya Tiwari, a dedicated Sanskrit scholar, was an ardent devotee of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. She translated works related to Bhagavan and his teachings into Gujarati.

Books from this author - Sadhu Na Sansmarano - Gujarati

Clifford DeSilva

Clifford DeSilva is a practising counsellor in Goa. Counselling was his first love from a very tender age but in the course of his studies he was introduced to spirituality by his mentor. However, it was years before he came to fully appreciate spirituality and the concept of enlightenment. ‘Not a Serpent, Not a Rope’ is his first book.

Books from this author - Not a Serpent Not a Rope

Colin D Mallard

Colin Mallard, had from an early age, a deep interest in spiritual matters. His formal education focused on philosophy, theology, Literature and psychology. For many years he studied wisdom derived from the Toltec tradition, Sufism, Taoism and Advaita Vedanta.

A life long search to know and understand himself too him to India and eventually into the presence of the Advaita Master, Ramesh S. Balsekar, Who became his guru. Ramesh Was able to destroy his per – conceived notions and in the emptiness that remained the underlying reality emerged.

Mallard, who has traveled extensively is also a photographer.

Books from this author - Stillpoint : A Novel Of War, Peace, Politics And Palestine, Reflections: From Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, Like a large immovable rock : Letters from disciples of a modern sage

Colin Wilson

Colin Wilson

> the mystics

To know more about the life and teachings of these Self-realized sages click on their names below.

Ramana Maharshi | Nisargadatta Maharaj | Ramesh Balsekar | Wayne Liquorman | Karl Renz

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